#!/usr/bin/ruby require 'win32ole' require 'optparse' require 'pp' # usage def usage puts "Usage: #{__FILE__} [OPTIONS...]" puts "Try `#{__FILE__} --help' for more information." exit end # is numeric? def is_num(x) begin x.integer? rescue false end end # is ipaddress? def is_ipaddr(str) return false if str.nil? || str.empty? array = str.split(".") return false unless array.size == 4 #ipv4 only array.each {|n| return false if is_num(n) return false if n.to_i > 256 } true end #It borrowed from activesupport. class Hash # hash with all keys converted to strings. def stringify_keys inject({}) do |options, (key, value)| options[key.to_s] = value options end end # Destructively convert all keys to strings. def stringify_keys! keys.each do |key| self[key.to_s] = delete(key) end self end end opts = {} opt = opt.on('--ip ipaddr', 'set the ip address') {|v| opts[:ip] = v } opt.on('--netmask netmask', 'set the ip network mask') {|v| opts[:netmask] = v } opt.on('--gateway gateway', 'set the default gateway') {|v| opts[:gateway] = v } opt.on('--dns dnsserver', 'set the dns server') {|v| opts[:dns] = v } usage if ARGV.size == 0 begin opt.parse!(ARGV) rescue usage end list = %w(ip netmask gateway dns) opts.stringify_keys! list.each {|key| unless is_ipaddr(opts[key]) puts "#{key}(#{opts[key]}) is illegal value" exit end } errno = {} host = "." service = WIN32OLE.connect("winmgmts://#{host}/root/cimv2") adapters = service.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled=TRUE") adapters.each {|ifc| if ifc.IPEnabled then errno[:ip] = ifc.EnableStatic(opts["ip"].to_a, opts["netmask"].to_a) errno[:gateways] = ifc.SetGateways(opts["gateway"].to_a, [1]) errno[:dns] = ifc.SetDNSServerSearchOrder(opts["dns"].to_a) #puts "Index=#{ifc.Index}, Caption=#{ifc.Caption}" break end } if errno.values.max == 0 then puts "The IP address has been changed." else puts "The IP address could not be changed." errno.each_pair {|key,val| puts " - errnor: #{key} == #{val}" unless val == 0 } end