harry’s memorandum


vSphere 5 では VIX API を Core vSphere APIs に取り込むんだってさ

VMwareTools経由でゲストOSの中にコマンドを実行したり、ファイルをコピーしたりすることって、VMware VIX API か VMsafe(たぶん) ぐらいしかできかなったと思うけど、これからは気兼ねなく vSphere for PerlJava で使えるようになる感じ。目頭が熱くなりますよ。

VIX Guest Operations functionality in core vSphere 5 APIs

We've found that most people use the VIX API with vSphere for Guest Operations functionality -- things like copying files in out of the guest, and running programs in the guest.

With the launch of vSphere 5, this functionality will now be available in the core vSphere APIs, via the GuestOperationsManager object and associated sub-managers.

The APIs incorporating this functionality will be:

VMware vSphere Web Services SDK
VMware vSphere SDK for Perl
VMware vSphere SDK for Java
Please try them out, and let us know how you like them on the VIX API discussion forum.
